Here to assist you
Stuck on an issue? Need a little bit of help?
Our support hub is a centralised area where we can provide help to you: whether you’re a customer of SAU Digital that needs remote desktop support or to submit a ticket in the customer portal, or just get some help with the common ailments of IT in daily life. There are free guides and resources available that you may find will lend a helping hand with frequent tech issues our customers face, whether in business or in their personal lives.

Service Portal
Customer-level access to our services portal. Typically this includes managed services, but can entail other offerings.

Remote Desktop Support
Under a service agreement with SAU, we can provide remote desktop support. Access the client from here.

My SAU Portal
Service-specific web forms and applications for Clients and SAU Partners. User Account required to access.

Random Password Generator
Need a hand with making that hard-to crack-password. Here is a basic generator. Need a brilliant, business-grade password solution, then let us know here.

Helpful IT Guides
Need a hand with common IT problems? You'll find a bunch of great guides over in our news section.